How To Make Gold Paint: Gold Color Mixing Guide

Creating your own gold paint is an exciting project that allows you to add a touch of luxury to your art and DIY endeavors. In this detailed guide, we will talk about the step-by-step process of making Gold paint using available materials.

By the end, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to transform everyday surfaces into stunning golden creations. Let’s start the process of making your own dazzling gold paint with ease.

What Colors Make Gold Paint

What two colors make gold

Yellow and orange are often used to create a gold paint color. Red, brown, and white are also common shades found in gold paint. If you don’t have brown with you, Please check our in-depth article on making brown with ease.

If you’re looking for something a bit darker, you can mix in some black. To make a brighter gold, add in green, blue, or violet. Magenta and copper can be used to give a subtle metallic touch.

To add sparkle to your gold, try using silver, gold leaf, or glitter.


If you’re looking to create a beautiful golden hue, then the color yellow is your go-to. It’s an easy one to mix and comes in various shades that’ll help you get the right tone for gold paint.

Start by mixing a bright lemon yellow with white, which will give it a creamy off-white tone. Then add some orange into the mix; this will deepen up the shade and bring out more of its honeyed tones.

Next, try adding a touch of red – this will make it warmer and more vibrant while still maintaining its core gold look.

Finally, if you want to intensify it further, experiment with adding hints of brown or black until you find just the right balance between lightness and darkness.


If you want to add a bit of richness and vibrancy to your gold paint, why not try adding red? Red can be tricky as it shifts the tone from yellowish-gold to more of an orangey-gold. But when used correctly, it can create stunning results that will make your painting pop!

Start off by mixing in just a tiny drop of red – this should give you enough hue without overwhelming the color palette.

Once you have the right ratio, it’s time to experiment with different shades and tints. A bright crimson or vermilion will bring out deeper tones while a softer pinkish-red will result in a warmer finish. You may even find that combining two reds together is perfect for what you’re looking for.

With some trial and error, you’ll have no problem finding just the right shade of red to get your desired look. It all comes down to personal preference; so don’t worry about mixing things up until you achieve exactly what you want.

And if ever in doubt, simply go back to basics and start again – there’s always room for improvement!


Orange is a great color to add when making gold paint. It will give you the richness and vibrancy of red but with more warmth.

Start by mixing in just a small amount of orange, as too much can overpower the palette.

Depending on which shade you choose – think bright tangerine or muted peach – it’ll affect the final outcome differently.

For example, if you want your painting to have deeper tones, opt for an intense coral hue; whereas opting for a paler apricot would create a softer finish.

Experimenting with different combinations until you get exactly what you’re looking for is totally worth it!

Just remember that there’s no right or wrong answer here – go ahead and make something unique that reflects your own style and creativity.

Making Gold Paint With Acrylic Paint

make gold with acrylics

Materials you’ll need To Make Gold With Acrylics:

  1. Acrylic Paints: You’ll need yellow, red, and brown acrylic paints.
  2. Palette: A palette for mixing colors.
  3. Mixing Tools: Paintbrushes or palette knives for mixing.
  4. Container: A small container or palette for mixing and storing your gold paint.
  5. Acrylic Medium: Optional – acrylic glazing liquid or medium to extend drying time and improve consistency.

Steps to make gold paint with acrylics:

  1. Prepare Your Workspace:
    Make sure you have a clean and organized workspace with good lighting. Have all your materials ready.
  2. Mix Yellow and Red:
    In your palette or container, mix a vibrant orange color by blending yellow and red acrylic paints together. This will be the base color for your gold.
  3. Adjust the Color:
    Depending on the shade of gold you desire, you can adjust the color by adding more yellow for a brighter gold or more red for a warmer gold.
  4. Add Brown for Depth:
    To give your gold paint depth and richness, add a small amount of brown acrylic paint to the mixture. Start with a small amount and slowly add more until you achieve the desired depth.
  5. Mix Thoroughly:
    Use a palette knife or a brush to mix the colors thoroughly. Ensure there are no streaks or uneven colors in your mixture.
  6. Optional: Use Acrylic Medium:
    If you want to create a smoother, more metallic appearance, you can mix a small amount of acrylic glazing liquid or medium into your paint. This will make it easier to blend and create a glossy finish.
  7. Test the Color:
    Before applying the paint to your artwork, test the color on a scrap piece of paper or canvas to make sure it matches the gold shade you desire.
  8. Apply to Your Artwork:
    Once you’re satisfied with the color, you can use your custom-made gold paint to add details or highlights to your artwork.
  9. Clean Your Tools:
    After you’ve finished using your custom gold paint, clean your brushes and palette properly to prevent any color contamination.
  10. Store Any Remaining Paint:
    If you have leftover gold paint, you can store it in an airtight container or palette for future use. Make sure to seal it well to prevent it from drying out.

Making Gold Paint With Oil Paint

Materials you’ll need :

  1. Oil Paints: You’ll need yellow, red, and brown oil paints.
  2. Palette: A palette for mixing colors.
  3. Mixing Tools: Palette knives or paintbrushes for mixing.
  4. Linseed Oil: A drying oil like linseed oil or a medium designed for oil paints.
  5. Container: A small container or palette for mixing and storing your gold paint.
  6. Optional: Solvent: Mineral spirits or turpentine for cleaning brushes and thinning paint (if needed).

Steps to make gold paint with oil paints:

  1. Prepare Your Workspace:
    Set up a clean and well-ventilated workspace for working with oil paints. Have all your materials ready.
  2. Mix Yellow and Red:
    Begin by taking small amount of yellow and red oil paints onto your palette. Mix these colors together to create an orange base color. Adjust the proportions to achieve the desired shade of gold. More yellow will create a brighter gold, while more red will result in a warmer gold.
  3. Add Brown for Depth:
    To give your gold paint depth and richness, add a small amount of brown oil paint to the mixture. Start with a tiny amount and gradually add more until you achieve the desired depth.
  4. Mix with Linseed Oil:
    Add a small amount of linseed oil to the paint mixture. The linseed oil will help to thin the paint and improve its flow. Mix the paint and linseed oil thoroughly until you have a smooth and consistent blend.
  5. Optional: Adjust Consistency with Solvent:
    If your paint mixture is too thick, you can add a small amount of solvent (mineral spirits or turpentine) to thin it to your desired consistency. Be cautious with solvents, as they can affect drying times and the texture of your paint.
  6. Test the Color:
    Before applying the paint to your artwork, test the color on a scrap piece of canvas or paper to make sure it matches the gold shade you desire.
  7. Apply to Your Artwork:
    Once you’re satisfied with the color and consistency, you can use your custom-made gold oil paint to add details or highlights to your artwork. Oil paints have a longer drying time, so you have more time to work with them compared to acrylics.
  8. Clean Your Tools:
    After you’ve finished using your custom gold paint, clean your brushes and palette knives with solvent thoroughly to prevent any color contamination.
  9. Store Any Remaining Paint:
    If you have leftover gold paint, you can store it in an airtight container for future use. Make sure the container is sealed well to prevent the paint from drying out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Best Type Of Paintbrush To Use For Gold Paint?

When it comes to painting with gold, the type of brush you use is important.

Soft bristles are best for most surfaces and provide a smooth even finish that will make your artwork stand out!

A round or flat brush can help create intricate details, while an angled brush adds texture and depth – perfect if you’re looking to add some sparkle to your project.

For large areas, opt for a foam roller which will give you full coverage with minimal effort.

Whichever paintbrush you choose, remember that it should fit comfortably in your hand and be easy to control as you work.

Is Gold Paint Durable For Outdoor Use?

Gold paint is an eye-catching way to spruce up your outdoor space, but it can be tricky when you’re wondering if it’s durable enough for the elements.

The good news? Gold paint is actually a great choice for exterior use – as long as you take precautions.

With proper preparation and application techniques, gold paint will last against sun, rain, wind and other weather conditions without needing to be reapplied frequently.

So go ahead and give that porch railing or mailbox a fresh coat of golden sparkle!

Is Gold Paint Easy To Clean Off?

Yes, gold paint is easy to clean off!

You can easily remove it from any surface with a damp cloth and some soap or detergent.

Plus, the removal process should be relatively quick – no need for scrubbing away at your walls for hours!

Just remember that you might have to use more elbow grease if the paint has been on the wall for an extended period of time.

So don’t worry too much about getting painted surfaces looking good again – just make sure you’re prepared to spend a bit of extra time cleaning up after yourself.

Is There A Difference Between Gold Paint And Metallic Paint?

Are gold paint and metallic paint the same thing?

The short answer is no! While both paints can create a similar finish, there are differences between them.

Gold paint has more of an orange hue than the traditional yellow-gold color associated with metal alloys like brass or bronze.

Metallic paint on the other hand is made up of tiny flakes that reflect light to give it that unique shine – perfect for adding a sparkle to your walls!

What Is The Best Way To Store Gold Paint?

If you’re looking for a way to store your gold paint, you’ll need to be aware of the unique properties of this particular type of paint.

Gold paint is more prone to oxidation than other paints and needs special care when it comes to storage.

When not in use, keep your gold paint in an airtight container away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

To maximize shelf life, make sure the lid is tightly closed after each use and store at room temperature whenever possible.


it’s important to remember that gold paint requires a good-quality paintbrush for best results.

While it may not be suitable for outdoor use due to its durability, it can still provide a great look indoors.

Gold paint is also quite easy to clean off and store properly when needed.

The main difference between gold paint and metallic paint is the shimmer they offer, making gold the more vibrant choice overall.

With these tips in mind, you’re sure to create stunning works of art with your golden hues!

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