How To Make Navy Blue Paint : Navy Blue Color Mixing Guide

Are you looking to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your home decor? Navy blue paint might just be the perfect choice for you. Whether you want to paint your walls, or furniture, or even create artwork, learning how to make navy blue color paint at home could be a great thing to learn.

To make navy blue paint, you will need a few simple ingredients. Start with a base of blue paint, preferably in a dark shade such as ultramarine or cobalt blue. Then, add small amounts of black and purple paint to darken and deepen the color. Keep experimenting until you achieve the desired shade of navy blue.

With just a little bit of patience and creativity, you can create your own unique shade of navy blue paint that perfectly suits your style and preferences.

If you prefer a darker navy blue, simply add more black paint to intensify the color. On the other hand, if you’re aiming for a brighter navy blue, try adding white or light gray paint to lighten it up slightly. Remember that color mixing is all about experimentation and finding what works best for you. So don’t worry about playing with different proportions until you achieve the exact hue that captures your vision.

By making navy blue paint at home, not only will you have complete control over the color intensity but also save money by avoiding store-bought options. So why wait? Let’s start this guide on how to make navy blue paint. It’s time to find your inner artist and bring some beautiful shades of navy blue into your life!

What Colors Make Navy Blue Paint

What colors make navy blue

You might be thinking, how to make navy blue color? If you want to make navy blue paint at home, all you need is a combination of blue and black colors! Navy blue is a deep, rich shade that can add sophistication to any project.

To achieve this color, start by mixing equal parts of blue and black paint together. You can use acrylic or oil-based paints depending on your preference. Mix the two colors thoroughly until they’re well blended and no streaks remain.

The result will be a beautiful navy blue hue that’s ready to be used in your painting or DIY project.

Creating navy blue paint is quite simple once you have the right ingredients. Blue and black are the primary colors needed to achieve this shade, but it’s important to choose the right shades of each color for optimal results.

For the blue color, choose a dark shade such as ultramarine or cobalt blue. These shades contain more pigment, which helps create a richer navy tone. As for the black color, opt for a pure black rather than one with hints of other colors like brown or gray.

When mixing your paints, it’s essential to start with small amounts of both colors and gradually add more if needed. This way, you can control the intensity of the navy blue shade based on your preferences. Remember to mix thoroughly using a palette knife or brush until there are no visible streaks left in the mixture.

Once you have achieved the perfect navy blue paint color, you can use it for various projects such as painting walls, furniture refinishing, or creating artwork. The versatility of this shade makes it suitable for both modern and traditional designs alike.

So go ahead and experiment with different applications while enjoying the elegance that navy blue brings!

Now that you know how easy it is to make navy blue paint at home using just two colors – blue and black – you’re ready to get into your next creative endeavor! Whether you’re an experienced artist or someone who enjoys DIY projects, adding navy blue to your palette opens up a lot of opportunities.

So grab your paintbrushes, mix up some blue and black, and let your imagination run wild with this beautiful shade.

How to make Navy Blue paint at Home

If you want to make Navy Blue paint at home, there are three methods you can try. The first method involves mixing blue and black paint together until you achieve the desired shade. Another option is to mix equal parts of blue and purple paint, as this combination can also create a deep navy color. Lastly, you can mix green and blue paint together to create a more vibrant navy hue.

Method 1

To make navy blue paint at home, all you have to do is mix blue and black together like a pro artist. It’s a simple yet effective method that can give you the perfect shade of navy blue for your painting projects. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start by choosing the right shades of blue and black paint. Opt for a deep, rich shade of blue such as ultramarine or cobalt blue, and pair it with a pure black paint.
  2. Take equal parts of both colors on your palette or mixing tray. You can start with small quantities and adjust the ratio based on the desired darkness of your navy blue shade.
  3. Use a palette knife or brush to thoroughly mix the two colors together until they blend seamlessly into a uniform navy blue hue.

Now that you know how to create navy blue paint using this method, let’s explore an alternative approach in ‘Method 2’ that involves mixing primary colors to achieve the same result effortlessly.

Method 2

It’s an another easier way to achieve that stunning shade of navy blue effortlessly. In Method 2, we will use primary colors – blue and black – to create the perfect navy blue hue. This method is great for those who want a quick and simple way to mix navy blue paint at home.

To start, you will need equal parts of blue and black paint. Take a look at the table below for reference on how much paint you should use:

Blue PaintBlack PaintNavy Blue Paint
1 part1 part2 parts

Mix these two colors together thoroughly until they are well-blended. You can do this by using a palette knife or simply stirring with a brush. Once the colors are combined, you will have your beautiful shade of navy blue!

Now that you’ve learned about Method 2, let’s move on to the next method which involves mixing multiple shades of blue.

Method 3

Now, with Method 3, you can effortlessly achieve a mesmerizing shade of navy blue by blending different hues of blue together. Start by gathering your materials: cobalt blue paint, ultramarine blue paint, and white paint.

Begin by adding a small amount of cobalt blue to your palette. Then, gradually mix in an equal amount of ultramarine blue until you reach a rich deep blue shade.

Next, add a touch of white to the mixture to lighten it slightly and create the perfect navy blue hue.

To make dark navy blue paint , continue by adjusting the proportions of cobalt and ultramarine blues in your mixture. Increase the amount of ultramarine blue while reducing the amount of cobalt blue to deepen the color further. Remember to mix well until you achieve a smooth and consistent navy blue shade.

This method allows for flexibility in creating various shades of navy blue according to your preference.

How to make dark Navy Blue paint

First, grab your paint palette and mix equal parts of midnight blue and black for a rich, deep navy blue shade. Use a palette knife or brush to blend the two colors together until you achieve a smooth and consistent mixture. Make sure to thoroughly incorporate the pigments to ensure an even distribution of color throughout your paint.

Once you have mixed the midnight blue and black paints together, take a moment to observe the resulting color. Adjust the ratio if necessary by adding more midnight blue or black to achieve your desired shade of dark navy blue. Remember, it’s always easier to darken a color than it is to lighten it, so start with less black and gradually add more until you reach the depth of hue you’re aiming for.

When mixing your own dark navy blue paint, keep in mind that different brands and types of paint may produce slightly varying results. Experimentation is key to finding the perfect combination for your specific needs. Don’t be afraid to play around with different ratios and variations until you discover the exact shade that suits your project.

Now that you’ve learned creating dark navy blue paint, let’s move on to making a brighter version. By using lighter shades such as royal blue or cerulean instead of midnight blue, you can achieve a brighter navy hue. This will give your painting or project a completely different look while still capturing the essence of navy blue.

How to make brighter Navy Blue paint

How to make brighter navy blue paint

To achieve a brighter shade of navy blue, you can add lighter hues like royal blue or cerulean to your palette. These colors have higher levels of brightness and adding them to your navy blue paint will help create a brighter overall color.

Start by mixing small amounts of royal blue or cerulean into your navy blue paint, gradually increasing the amount until you reach the desired brightness.

When mixing the lighter hues into your navy blue paint, it’s important to do so in small increments. This allows you to control the intensity of the color and avoid making it too bright too quickly.

Take note of how much lighter hue you are adding and make adjustments accordingly.

Another technique to achieve a brighter navy blue is by using white paint. Adding small amounts of white can lighten the overall color while still maintaining its navy blue tone.

Again, start with small amounts and gradually increase as needed.

Experimenting with different ratios of light hues and white will give you more control over achieving the specific shade of bright navy blue that you desire.

Remember, it’s always better to start with less and add more if necessary rather than adding too much at once and having to start over.

By following these steps and experimenting with different combinations, you’ll be able to create a brighter shade of navy blue that suits your needs perfectly!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use any type of paint to make Navy Blue, or does it have to be a specific type?

You’re standing in front of a blank canvas, ready to bring your artistic vision to life. As you ponder the color palette for your masterpiece, you wonder if any type of paint can be used to create navy blue or if there’s a specific kind required.

Well, let me tell you a story. Imagine you’re baking a delicious cake and the recipe calls for butter. Now, you wouldn’t substitute it with just any random ingredient like mayonnaise or oil, would you? Just like in cooking, different types of paints have distinct properties and ingredients that affect their performance and color mixing capabilities.

So when it comes to making navy blue paint at home, it’s best to use specific types of paint that are known for producing rich and vibrant shades.

Is it possible to create Navy Blue paint without using black pigment?

Yes, it’s possible to create navy blue paint without using black pigment. Navy blue can be achieved by mixing equal parts of blue and dark purple paint. The combination of these two colors creates a deep, rich shade that closely resembles navy blue.

By using this color mixture, you can achieve the desired navy blue hue without the need for black pigment.

Can I achieve a true Navy Blue shade by mixing only primary colors?

Yes, you can achieve a true navy blue shade by mixing only primary colors. By combining equal parts of blue and red, you’ll get a rich purple color.

Then, slowly add small amounts of black to darken the hue until it reaches the desired navy blue shade. The key is to start with a deep purple base and gradually adjust it with black pigment.

This method allows you to create navy blue paint without solely relying on black pigment, giving you more control over the final color outcome. So go ahead and experiment with primary colors to create your perfect navy blue shade!

How long does it take for homemade Navy Blue paint to dry?

It typically takes about 1-2 hours for homemade navy blue paint to dry. However, the exact drying time can vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and the thickness of the paint layer.

To ensure a faster drying time, you can consider using a fan or placing the painted object in a well-ventilated area. Keep in mind that thicker layers of paint may take longer to dry compared to thinner ones. So, it’s always a good idea to test a small area first before applying multiple coats or handling the painted object.

Are there any alternative methods to create Navy Blue paint if I don’t have access to certain ingredients?

If you find yourself without the necessary ingredients to create navy blue paint, fear not! There are alternative methods that can still help you achieve that beautiful deep hue.

Think of it as a treasure hunt, where you explore your surroundings and uncover unexpected gems. Look for natural materials like indigo plants or blueberries, which can be crushed and mixed with a base like oil or water to create your own unique shade of navy blue.

Embrace the adventure of experimentation and let your creativity guide you towards new discoveries.


In conclusion, by exploring the process of making navy blue paint at home, you’ve unlocked a world of creativity and self-expression. You’ve discovered that combining primary colors such as blue and black can create this deep and mysterious shade.

This journey has taught you not only practical skills in color mixing but also the power of experimentation and imagination.

By delving into the art of creating dark navy blue paint, you’ve learned to embrace the beauty found in shadows. The richness and depth of this hue can evoke a sense of mystery and sophistication in your artistic endeavors. You now understand that sometimes it’s through darkness that we find our truest colors shine.

On the other hand, your exploration into making brighter navy blue paint has revealed the importance of balance and contrast. By adding small amounts of white or lighter shades to your mixture, you’ve witnessed how a touch of brightness can transform navy blue into a vibrant hue full of life. This serves as a reminder that even in moments when life seems dull or gloomy, there’s always room for hope and optimism.

So go forth with your newfound knowledge! Let your creativity run wild as you mix colors to create your own unique shades of navy blue. Remember, painting isn’t just about putting pigment on canvas; it’s about expressing yourself and conveying deeper meanings through each brushstroke. Embrace the beauty within darkness, seek balance between lightness and darkness, and let your art tell stories that resonate with others on a profound level.

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